Russell Bedford Alexander & Associates

About Us

At Russell Bedford Alexander & Associates, we perceive ourselves as a catalyst to your success.

We position ourselves as the professionals in assisting our clients to operate their businesses efficiently and effectively through good disciplines in accounting, financial control and compliance. This allows our clients to concentrate fully on the business they know best.

We perceive ourselves as modern accountants where understanding our clients businesses and providing innovative solutions to their problems are part and parcel of our duties. Through our associations and affiliations, we are able to keep our clients abreast of trends, opportunities and regulations in the local and global market.

Established in early 1967, Russell Bedford Alexander & Associates is a certified/chartered accounting firm, serving over 300 clients from various industries locally, and across the region.

To be one of the region’s leading firms that provides sound advice that will lead to client growth and success by pooling and driving from the available resources by promoting quality standards at all levels

To provide sound advice, guidance and support to accommodate the needs of the various clients’ that will enable growth and sustainability at both ends.

The firm and its partners have always been supportive of various organisations that gather funds for the assistance for the needy in the Society.

All these years, the firm has always aimed to support:

  • The Eastleigh High School; Boys who need assistance with their education and other living supports.
  • Talia Agler Girls Shelter; a shelter mainly with Girls who are trafficked or orphans situated in Kiambu.
  • Vision Of Faith Home: An orphanage in Bungoma county.
  • Compassionate Hands for the Disabled Foundation: A rehabilitation and rescue-centre for abandoned children living with disability, located in Nairobi.

We are always guided by the following key values, which we consider as our worthy walking sticks.

Success in Our Client’s Business

We are committed to our clients’ growth. We provide one-stop professional services solution. We listen to our clients’ needs and respond with the most appropriate support and solutions.

Success in people

We work as a team. We help our employees grow and achieve their professional and personal objectives. We build relationship and work together with other professional firms to achieve common goals. We value relationships and want people to be proud to be associated with us.

Success in Pursuing Excellence

We believe that the best is yet to be. We constantly strive to improve our quality of service and professional competence through continuous training and upgrading.

Success in Innovation Thinking

We think creatively. We are constantly challenged to provide new ideas and solutions that create value. We pride ourselves as being a successful solutions provider to accounting and business issues to our clients.

Success in Character Building

Honesty and integrity are our traits. We keep promises and fulfill expectations. We pride ourselves with nurturing high integrity, creativity and honesty.





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